7208282054 / 8928247852

About us

As you are reading about Chetan Classes, it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Chetan Classes where the possibilities are limitless and our commitment endless to make learning Mathematics just as fun as one would like to be. This is possible because of the dedication, devotion and determination of our faculty which leaves no stone unturned to unearth the potential of the students.

We are of firm belief that each student has a hidden potential to make him a better person. It just takes persistence and dedicated effort to bring out the best from the student. The methodology adopted in Chetan Classes, the way the subject is taught, it not only removes the fear of Mathematics from the student's mind but also inculcates a sweet taste of Mathematics in him.

In Chetan Classes, we focus first on building and developing the concepts of the subject of the student in our own unique way which then helps the student to quickly grasp the intricacies of the subject.

The aim of Chetan Classes is to develop in students a more scientific thought process in addition to the theoretical knowledge to face the reality of the world in a more practical manner for the betterment of the society.